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In the latest episode of our podcast, an extraordinary guest, Paula Young, Senior Director of Legal Ethics and Compliance for Anywhere Real Estate, shared her incredible journey from a “worker bee” to a thought leader. With three decades of experience in legal ethics and compliance, Paula is well-known for her passion, intellect, and the ability to inspire everyone she encounters. Known affectionately as “Paula for the People,” she embodies the spirit of leadership at all levels, demonstrating that anyone can make an impact, regardless of their title or position.


The Power of “Stuck in the Middle”

One of the most profound insights Paula shared was the importance of recognizing the value of being “stuck in the middle.” This phase, often perceived as a rut, is actually a critical period where growth happens. It’s where future leaders are shaped, where lessons are learned, and where skills are honed. According to Paula, the middle matters because it’s where transformation occurs. It’s the space between the start of a career and the pinnacle of leadership where the real magic unfolds.

Paula’s journey shows that embracing the middle involves finding purpose in daily tasks and understanding why the work matters. She emphasizes that everyone is a leader in their own right, whether leading a team at work, guiding a family, or inspiring a community. Leadership isn’t just a title; it’s about impact, influence, and inspiring those around you.


The Transition from Worker Bee to Leader

Paula’s advice for those feeling “stuck” is clear: make the conscious decision to transition from a worker bee to a leader by asking critical questions like, “What do I want to lead?” and “Why do I want to lead?” This self-reflection is essential to understanding one’s own motivation and direction. Leadership requires intentionality and clarity about one’s purpose and goals.

She highlights several strategies for making this transition:


  1. Visibility and Presence: Paula shares that being present is key. Attending meetings, participating in discussions, and always showing up—even when it’s difficult—makes a difference. In today’s virtual world, it’s easy to turn off the camera, but leaders stay visible and make their voices heard.
  2. Listening and Learning: Paula emphasizes the importance of listening. As her parents used to say, “God gave you two ears and one mouth.” Listening allows for deeper understanding, fosters empathy, and builds meaningful connections. This is foundational to becoming a respected voice in any organization.
  3. Saying Yes to Opportunities: Another valuable insight is the power of saying “yes.” Accepting opportunities, even outside one’s comfort zone, can open doors to new experiences and learning. It’s about being courageous, taking the leap, and trusting that growth comes from stepping into the unknown.
  4. Building Relationship Currency: Paula introduces the concept of “relationship currency,” which involves investing in meaningful connections with colleagues and peers. Being visible, approachable, and actively engaging with others builds a network of trust and support, crucial for any aspiring leader.


Courage as a Cornerstone of Leadership

A recurring theme in Paula’s message is the role of courage in leadership. Courage is required to speak up, to be seen, and to take on new responsibilities. It involves recognizing areas of passion, identifying opportunities for growth, and not being afraid to push for more—whether that’s a new project, a different role, or simply more involvement in organizational initiatives.

Paula encourages all leaders, especially women, to be brave and to surround themselves with other courageous women. Seeing others take bold steps inspires confidence and fosters a culture of support and empowerment.


Lessons from Paula’s Journey

Paula’s story is a testament to the fact that leadership is not confined to a title or position but is about stepping into one’s full potential, embracing opportunities, and building relationships that matter. She demonstrates that with passion, intentionality, and a commitment to continuous growth, anyone can transition from feeling “stuck in the middle” to becoming a recognized thought leader.

As the conversation concluded, it was clear that Paula’s journey is an inspiration to many. Her approach to leadership is a reminder that everyone has the power to lead by example, to inspire others, and to create meaningful change in their organizations and communities.


Key Takeaways for Aspiring Leaders

  1. Embrace the Middle: Understand that being “stuck” can be a powerful period of growth.
  2. Stay Visible: Be present, engage, and ensure your voice is heard.
  3. Listen Actively: Use listening as a tool for deeper understanding and connection.
  4. Build Relationships: Invest in relationship currency to create a network of support.
  5. Be Courageous: Take risks, say yes, and don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone.


This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to transform their career and make a meaningful impact. Paula’s insights are not only inspiring but also actionable, providing a roadmap for those ready to take the leap from the middle to the top. The journey may not always be easy, but as Paula demonstrates, it’s undoubtedly worth it. Listen to Paula’s episode here.